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Tag: MTB

Fridaygram 02/2015

These are my last two weeks in Links: and yes, it is delayed a day ;) Johanna Rothman about when to move from Scrum to Kanban (or Iterations to Flow). A nice list of  Internet of Things products Five Tips to Hiring a Generalizing Specialist A good debate about what is needed to start a product MVP and Minimal Indispensable Feature Set Getting RE-TRAINED To Be A ScrumMaster  Sven Pet about what skills a Next-Gen Programmer needs to master What does it take to be a good Scrum Trainer A little bit off topic: A fascinating travel story about a MTB adventure in Peru

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Von der Bike Tour

Zwei Impressionen vom heutigen MTB Trip zur Löwenburg im Siebengebirge. Leider wurde nichts aus dem geplanten Trip in den Bikepark Boppard. Der Regen sah schon übel aus. Naja, wird nachgeholt. Photos vom iPhone, daher die mäßige Quali.

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