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Tag: park

fifty2:six – Winter Moment

It was getting cold this week. On yet another walk in the park, the seabirds were standing on the frozen sea. The photo is not my favorite style of photography. I like to do landscapes with impressive color. But since it’s typical German winter, I have to take what comes. But I like this photo, it is a very good composition in my mind. I’m pleased this week.

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As many people have, I have picked some New Years resolutions. As I’m interested in photography but didn’t have shot much in the past two years, I want to do more. I want to do some projects and one of them is a 52-week project. If you’re not familiar with it, it means that I shoot and publish a picture every week for a year. This is just to stick with photography, get some creative mojo and practice the craft. So don’t expect awesome fine-art photos every week.

This is my first photo. The whole week here was mostly overcast, rainy and some winter storms (without snow). One day in the evening on a walk, the sun came out to say goodbye for the day.

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