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Tag: leanstartup

Retrospective February 2016


Favorite slogan: So we are doomed!

What have I done:

  • Worked hard on launching new Cloud of Things Features: New Cockpit App is out!
  • Wonder how someone can setup a MongoDB Docker Cluster without persistence!?
  • Coded on some Cloud of Things API and Client stuff Had a new record on contributing code to Github: Longest streak 7 days
    January 30 – February 5.
  • Updating servers for glibc vulnerability.
  • Start planning for big CoT team ramp-up. Scale from one to four teams in one month. Big experiment.
  • Had a week of vacation. Practiced not to work. Successful.
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Retrospective January 2016

Favorite slogan: You want to get things done, not building an inventory of unfinished work!

What have I done:

  • Kicked of the first quarter 2016 with hard deadlines for Cloud of Things (watch out for CeBIT)
  • Had some weekend & night shifts because of service outages of Cloud of Things. Turned out that a Gelf4J appender for Graylog caused the issues.
  • Started to play with JavaFX and build a Cloud of Things Genius Client for testing purposes on CoT. (Thanks code.makery for this helpful JavaFX tutorial)
  • Did a talk on our Deutsche Telekom M2M Day 2016
  • I have a new record on contributing to Github



PS: A new try to give a regular update on this blog. Last year I tried a weekly recap, didn’t worked out. But I’m pretty sure that this will work ;-)

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